Pdt. Mariska Lauterboom, MATS., Ph. D


Jl. Diponegoro No. 52–60, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia 50711

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Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy), Graduate Theological Union, California, USA


MATS (Master of Arts in Theological Studies), San Fransisco Theological Seminary, Clifornia, USA


Bachelor in Theology (S. Si. Teol), Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia

Riwayat Organisasi
Asosiasi Ahli Filsafat Keilahian Indonesia.
American Academy of Religion.
Religious Education Association
PERUATI (Persekutuan Perempuan Berpendidikan Teologi di Iindonesia) - The Association of Women Theologians in Indonesia.
Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia (ATI) - The Associatioin of the Indonesian Theologians.
  • Aug, 2021, “Women and Decolonizing Christian Education in Indonesia Amidst Pandemic.” International Conference on Religion and Education.
  • Nov, 2019, “Postcolonial Imagination and Liberating Interdependence in Christian Religous Education for Divided Societies.”, REA Annual Meeting, Toronoto.
  • Jul, 2019, “Postcolonial Imagination and Liberating Interdependence for Divided Societies.” IASACT Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Nov, 2018, “Dialogical Imagination between the People and the Text in Indonesian Context.” AAR Annual Meeting, Denver Colorado.
  • Nov, 2018, “Decolonizing Interreligious Education as Resistance Against White Normativity.” REA Annual Meeting.
  • Oct, 2018, “Dialogical Imagination between the People and the Text in Indonesian Context.” Asia Fall Forum.
  • 2015, “Peran Perempuan dalam Dunia Publik Menurut Perspektif Agama Kristen.” (The Role of Women in Public Space Based on Christian Perspective). Satya Wacana Christian University.
  • Oct, 2014, “Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja Serta Implikasinya Bagi Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Konteks Gereja.” (The Development of Children and Teenagers and its Implications in the Christian Religious Education). Department of Theology, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia.
  • 2014, “Peranan Agama-Agama dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa ditinjau Dari Perspektif Agama Kristen".” (The Roles of Religions in the Character Building from the Christian Perspective). Satya Wacana Christian University.
  • Jul, 2014, “Between Indigenous and National Identities: A Search for a Contextual Theology in Indonesia.” United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Jun, 2014, “Multicultural Pedagogy for the Indonesian Context: Incorporating Adat as the Indigenous Culture in the Christian Religious Education of the Oldest Protestant Denomination in Asia.” IASACT Conference, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA).
Publikasi Ilmiah
  • 2020, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Review on: Marcelo Diversi and Claudio Moreira. Betweener Talk: Decolonizing Knowledge Production, Pedagogy, and Praxis.” Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2009. 236 pages. $34.65. ISBN 9781598743609, The Journal of Asian American Theological Forum (AATF) 7, no. 2 (December, 2020).
  • 2019, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Dekolonialisasi Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Indonesia.” Indonesian Journal of Theology 7, no. 1 (July 2019): 88-110.
  • 2018, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Decolonializing Interreligious Education as Resistance Against White Normativity.” In REA Annual Meeting 2018 Proceedings. Washington, DC: Religious Education Association, 2018, 561-72.
  • 2015, Ludji, Irene and Mariska Lauterboom. “Learning from the Socio-Religious Integration in Solor Village Indonesia.” Analisa, Journal of Social and Religion, 2015.
  • 2014, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Menemukan Tuhan di Tapal Batas: Suatu Upaya Berteologi di Konteks Masyarakat Urban" ((Encountering God in a Border: A Theology of an Urban Society).” Waskita II, no.1 (April 2014): 27-44.
  • 2014, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Solidaritas Perempuan: Menemukan Rumah bagi Perempuan Indonesia melalui Kisah Rut, Orpa, dan Naomi” (Women’s Solidarity: Finding a Home for Indonesian Women through the Reading of the Story of Ruth, Orpa, and Naomi). In Perempuan Indonesia dalam Karya dan Pengabdian (The Work and Vocation of Indonesian Women) edited by Tiwa- Rotinsulu, Deetje and Mariska Lauterboom.” Jakarta: BPK. Gunung Mulia, 2014.
  • 2014, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Berteologi dalam Dialog dan Praksis di Konteks Multikultural-Poskolonial Indonesia” (Doing Theology of Dialogue and Praxis in Multicultural and Postcolonial Indonesia). In Nyantri Bersama John Titaley: Menakar Teks, Menilai Sejarah, dan Membangun Kehidupan Bersama, edited by Gaspersz, Steve and Tedi Kholiludin.” Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press, 2014.
  • 2007, Lauterboom, Mariska. “Pelacuran Suci: Konsep Pelacuran menurut Kisah Perempuan Bernama Rahab dalam Yosua 2:1-24 sebagai bagian Sejarah Deuteronomis” (The Holy Prostitution: A Concept of Prostitution according to the Story of Rahab in Joshua 2:1-24).” Bina Dharma xxv, no. 74 (2007): 209-226.