Pdt. Izak Lattu, Ph.D.
Jl. Diponegoro No. 52–60, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia 50711
Bidang Minat: Teologi Agama-agama, Agama dan Perdamaian.
Ph.D in Interdisciplinary Study of Religion: Civic Engagements in Social Scientific Studies of Religion and Collective Memory in Folklore Studies, the Graduate Theological Union affiliated the University of California, Berkeley, USA (Under Fulbright Scholarship)
Dissertation: "Orality and Interreligious Engagement: The Role of Collective Memory in Christian-Muslim Relationships in Maluku, Indonesia." Advisers: Professor Judith Berling; Professor Clare B. Fischer; Professor Sylvia Tiwon.
Research Interests
Interfaith Relationships, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Collective Memory and Peacebuilding
Work Experience
Conference Presentations and Relevant Publications
Selected Presentations
- 2014, “The Forest of Symbol in Malukan Interreligious Engagement.” Asian Summer Theological Institute, Lutheran School of Theology, Philadelphia.
- 2014, “Imagine Citizenry in Christian-Muslims Conflict in Maluku.” Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University.
- 2013, “Storytelling and Resistance: Joke and the Struggle against Political Hegemony in Papua.” Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University.
- 2013, “Play, Performance, and Peace: Youth Working for Peace in Poso and Ambon, Indonesia”. Invited Speaker, the Center for Southeast Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
- 2012, “Soccer, Ritual Performance, and Papuan National Identity,” Guest Presenter at Malay and Indonesian Literatures Class, The University of California, Berkeley.
- 2012, “Collective Memory for Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Maluku,” Presented Paper at American Academy of Religion, Annual Conference, Chicago.
- 2012, “Imagined Reconciliation: The Role of Folksong in Malukan Indigenous Peacebuilding.” Invited Speaker, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2012, “Collective Memory and Civic Engagements in Indonesia,” Presented paper at The 9th Northeast Conference on Indonesia, Cornell University.
- 2011, “Pela, Culture and Communal Reconciliation in Moluccas-Indonesia: A Christian Perspective.” Presented paper at Canadian Society for Southeast Asian Studies Annual Conference, University of Toronto, Canada.
- 2011, “Pela as a Local Conflict Resolution Model in Maluku-Indonesia.” Presented paper at International Conference on Conflict Resolution, Lancester University, UK.
- 2011, “Fundamentalisms and the Challenges of Christian-Muslim Relationship in Indonesia.” Invited Speaker at Fica-Center for Strategic Studies, Chicago.
- 2010, “A Brief Study of Hans Kung’s Theory of Religious Dialogue against Thomas Kuhn’s Paradigm Shift Theory”. Presented paper at, Fulbright International Student Conference at The University of Pennsylvania.
- 2009, “Youth Center‘s Role in Poso Peacebuilding Process,” Invited Speaker at Gadjah Mada University.
- 2006, “Globalization and Religious Conflict in Moluccas Indonesia.” Presented paper at International Seminar on Religion and Globalization. Australian Theological Forum.
- 2005, “In Search of In Search of a Religious Mutual Relationship in Maluku-Indonesia: Learning from Pela-Gandong’ Alliance between Muslim Negeri (Latu) - Christian Negeri (Honitetu)”, Presented paper at Institute of Advanced Studies in Asian Cultures and Theologies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Selected Journal Articles
- Izak Lattu, “Culture and Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Maluku, Indonesia.” Interreligious Insight: Journal of Dialogue and Engagements 10, no 1 (July 2012): 45 - 52.
- Izak Lattu, “Identity and Reconciliation in Interfaith Peacebuilding Narrative: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology 11 (2012): 1 -18.
- Izak Lattu, “On Seeking for Democracy and Religious Pluralism Mutual Engagement in Indonesia.” Waskita, Journal of Religion and Society Studies 2, no. 1 (April 2005) : 59 – 79.
- Izak Lattu, “In search of the Relationship between Democracy and “The Acceptance Model in Interfaith Dialogue.” Jurnal Bina Darma 21, no. 1 (April 2004) : 22 – 40.
- Izak Lattu, “New Christian Mission in the Context of Civil Society and Interreligious Engagement in Indonesia.” Jurnal Teologi Indonesia 8 (April 2010) : 21 – 40.
- Izak Lattu, “Tsunami and Global Dialogue based on the Suffering Others.” Journal Bina Darma 23, no. 2 (September 2006) : 97 – 118.
- 2009. Editor, Lampu Merah Nationalisme Indonesia: Mengkaji Kebangkitan Fundamentalism dan Neo-Liberalisme (Qua Vadis Indonesian Nationalism: Exploring the Resurgence of Fundamentalism and Neo-Liberalism). Bina Dharma Foundation, Salatiga.
- 2005, Editor and a Chapter Author, Format Rekonstruksi Kekristenan Indonesia (A Reconstruction’s Format of Christianity in Indonesia) Critical Engagement Kekristenan di Indonesia (Critical Engagement of Indonesian Christianity), p 1 – 15. Pernerbit Sinar Harapan, Jakarta.
Selected Edited Books
- Sumanto Al-Qurtuby and Izak Lattu, Perempuan dan Budaya Nusantara Jilid II. Semarang. eLSA Press 2022.
- Izak Lattu, eds., (editor), Crossing the Boundaries: Covid-19 Pandemic, Social Solidarity and Interreligious Engagement in Indonesia. Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press, 2021.
- Izak Lattu and Tedi Kholiludin, (editor), Agama dan Budaya Nusantara Pasca Kristenisasi (Semarang: eLSA Press, 2020)
- Izak Lattu, eds., (editor), Agama, Politik Identitas & Keberpihakan Negara. Jakarta: ICRP Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace, 2020.
- Izak Lattu, eds., (editor), Menyemai Pluralisme dan Demokrasi di Perguruan Tinggi: Pengalaman UKSW. Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press, 2019.
- Obed Umbu Kaballu, Izak Lattu, , Suryaningsi Milla, (editor), Bagi Tuhan Jangan Ditunda: Teks Kehidupan Kekristenan di Sumba, Satya Wacana University Press, 2019.
- Sumanto Al-Qurtuby and Izak Lattu, (editor), Tradisi dan Kebudayaan Nusantara,” Elsa Press, 2019.
- Izak Lattu, eds., (editor), Mozaik Moderasi Beragama dalam Perspektif Kristen. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia dan Bimas Kristen, Departemen Agama RI, 2018.
- Izak Lattu, eds., (editor), 25 Tahun Sosiologi Agama Menjadi Pilihan Berteologi di Indonesia. Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press, 2016.
- Jacob D. Engel and Izak Lattu, Penelitian & Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Teologi. Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press, 2015.
- Izak Lattu, eds., (editor), Format Rekonstruksi Kekristenan: Menggagas Teologi, Misiologi dan Ekklesiologi Kontekstual di Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2006.
Selected Book Chapters:
- Izak Lattu, “Ante-Sacred-Space and Interreligious Sphere in Covid-19 ICU Room: An Authoetnography Approach,” in Interconnectivity, Subversion, and Healing in World Christianity, Afe Adogame and Aminta Arrington, eds (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 - Forthcoming).
- Izak Lattu, “Click-Holy Communion: Covid-19 and Online Sacred Sphere in Indonesia Christian Rituals,” in Routledge International Handbook for Sociology and Christianity, Dennis Hiebert, ed (London: Routledge, 2023 - Forthcoming)
- Izak Lattu and Irene Ludji, “Listening to the Voice from the Social Margin: Sam-ae and Folklore in Local Theology,” Sam-ae as and Political Theology, Chammah Kaunda, ed (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2023 – Forthcoming)
- Izak Lattu, “Folkloric Sacred Text as Political Theology,” Asia and Pacific Political Theology, Kwok Pui Lan, ed (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2023 - Forthcoming)
- Izak Lattu and Fatimah Husein, “From Interreligious Dialogue to Interreligious Engagement: Pengalaman Mengajar di CRCS UGM,” Interreligious Studies in Indonesia, Zainal Bagir, ed. Yogya: ICRS UGM, 2023 (Forthcoming)
- Izak Lattu, “Menggugat Majoritanisme, Menegaskan Covenantal Pluralism Indonesia,” dalam Riwanto Tirtosudarmo dan Nasionalisme yang Rileks: Festschrift 70 Tahun Riwanto Tirtosudarmo (Jakarta: Kompas Press, 2023 - Forthcoming).
- Izak Lattu, “Covid-19, Religiositas dan Relasi Lintas Agama di Indonesia,” dalam Crossing the Boundaries: Covid-19 Pandemic, Social Solidarity and Interreligious Engagement in Indonesia, P. Jessy Ismoyo, et. al. (Salatiga, Satya Wacana University Press, 2021).
- Izak Lattu, “Planting Seeds of Peace in the Multicultural Society” in Mariska Lauterboom, eds., Religion: A Text Book for Undergraduate Students. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University Press, 2015.
- Izak Lattu, “Performative Interreligious Engagement,” in Izak Lattu, eds, Sociology of Religion: Pilihan Berteologi di Indonesia. Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press, 2016.
- Izak Lattu and Mick Mordekhai Sopacoly, “Imago Dei Belajar: Kebebasan Berpikir dan Creative Minority dalam Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi,” in Manusia Berkarakter, Riris Johanna Siagian & Tedi Kholiludin. Pematang Siantar: L-SAPIKA Indonesia Press, 2021.
- Izak Lattu, “Teologi Tanpa Tinta: Mencari Logos Melalui Etnografi dan Folklore,” dalam Membangun Gereja Sebagai Gerakan Yang Cerdas dan Solider: Apresiasi Terhadap Kegembalaan Ignatius Kardinal Suharyo, Fransiskus Purwanto, SCJ dan Agustinus T. E.Warsono, eds (Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press, 2020).
Selected Newspaper Articles
- 2012, Violence against Indigenous Religion. The Jakarta Post, January 2.
- 2011, An Irony to Religious Tolerance. The Jakarta Post, November 20.
- 2011, “Menolak Narasi Kekerasan.” Negating the Violence Narrative. Suara Pembaruan, October 2011.
- 2011,” Violence Doesn’t Have a Religion.” The Jakarta Post, September 30.
- 2010, “Budaya, Agama, dan Politik Transmigran Jawa di Maluku.” Culture, Religion and the Politics of Javanese Migrant in Maluku. Suara Merdeka March 21.
- 2006, “Habermas, Anarkisme dan Pilkada.”Habermas, Anarchism, and Local Election. Siwalima Daily, Ambon, Moluccas. July 3.
- 2002 “Perspektif Agama dalam Integrasi Bangsa.” Religious Perspective of A National Integration. Solo Pos Daily, Solo. April 14.
Fellowships and Grants
Bahasa Indonesia, English, Dutch, Read Classical Hebrew and Classical Greek.