Di dalam sesi pra-kuliah program studi Magister Sosiologi Agama (MSA) pada Jumat, 02 Agustus 2024, Pdt. Izak Lattu, Ph.D dan Perdian Tumanan, salah satu mahasiswa program studi Doctor of Philosophy dari Villanova University, Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat, menyampaikan materi serta berbagai pengalaman menulis di Graduate Program in the United States (US).
In the pre-college session of the Master of Sociology of Religion (MSA) study program on Friday, August 02, 2024, Rev. Izak Lattu, Ph.D and Perdian Tumanan, one of the students of the Doctor of Philosophy study program from Villanova University, Pennsylvania, United States, delivered material and various writing experiences in the Graduate Program in the United States (US).